
יום חמישי, 19 באפריל 2012

Ballot for the 1st Internatio​nal “sparrow” Kukai

Hello1st InternationalKukai Poet,
Below is the ballot for the 1st International “sparrow” Kukai
Please NOTE that the votes should be sent to:


CALL FOR Votes in the 1stInternational “sparrow” Kukai

Submission Deadline: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 Midnight yourlocal time
Voting Deadline: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 --Friday, April 20th 2012Midnight your local time

Theresults will be published on Monday, April30, 2012 inRitaOdeh’s blog at:


1. All the entries are listed on the ballot byan individual number.

2. Only submitting Kukai Poets are eligible tovote.

3. Email your votes to: international_kukai@yahoo.com When voting, please use the words "sparrow"Kukai in the subject line of your e-mail.

4. Each poet has SIX (6) points to use for thekukai vote. Voters may distribute the points in increments of 1, 2, or 3. Youmay not cast more than 3 points for any single poem.

5. Each voter has 6 points;Please use the following format to submit your votes (listing by numericalorder, rather than order of preference, as in the sample below):

# 05--3 pt.
# 21--1 pts.
# 30--2 pts.

6. Please do not vote for your own poem(s). Anysuch votes will be disqualified.

To: international_kukai@yahoo.com
Subject: "sparrow" April 2012 Kukai Vote

7. All votes will becompiled and the haiku will then be published on Monday,April30, 2012 in RitaOdeh’s blog at: http://rita-odeh.blogspot.com/

8. Haijin who fail to vote will have their haikuposted with the earned ranking; however, in place of their name will be thestatement “non voting haijin”. Themanagers of the kukai expect every participant to vote.

The votes will appear asper the following sample:

0 2 7 11 = ____ Place

Which means:

No voter gave 3 points, 2 voters gave 2 points, 7 voters gave 1 point = for a total of11 points

CALL FOR Votesin the 1st International “sparrow” Kukai

Submission Deadline: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 Midnightyour local time
Voting Deadline: Wednesday, April 11,2012 -- Friday, April 20th 2012 your local time

The Haiku:

a sparrow
on the gravestone
eyes on worms

# 01.
House for sale
a sparrow verifies
the mail box

# 02.
in spring rain
a sparrow lost among
passerby feet

# 03.
misty night—
lurks sparrows for hours
a black cat

# 04.
haze moon in spring
the wounded sparrow’s
unfocused eye

# 05.
sparrows bath
cloud of cherry blossoms
in the pond

# 06.
election year...
politicians know nothing
of sparrows

# 07.
three amourous sparrows ...
one single shadow
in the morning sun

# 08.
Sparrow on the bough
after a sudden wind-shift
finds herself upside down

# 09.
dampling cook-off
one watchful sparrow
per pot

# 10.
sparrows build nests
in the cherry trees
opening buds

# 11.
twitter talks
sparrows socially debate
sleeping place

# 12.
chirping sparrows sound—
baby sleeps peacefully
in mothers arms

# 13.
my mulberry tree—
what if round buds orbit
with jolly sparrows

# 14.
for a moment
a dandelion darkens—
a sparrow’s shadow

# 15.
over the traffic din
a sparrow’s song

# 16.
new shutterbug
every brown blur
a sparrow

# 17.
cherry blossoms
the sparrows in full-throated

# 18.
The sparrows fighting
around the breadcrumbs—
a pigeon having a feast

# 19.
sparrow in cypress
a tom cat nearby disturbs
the morning silence

# 20.
ocean front tables
the sparrows searching
through a grassy lawn

# 21.
neighborhood gossip...
a flock of sparrows
scold from the hedge

# 22.
speak to me,
sparrow, in a dream . . .
that sputters

# 23.
the sparrow's nest
among apple blossoms..
missing you

# 24.
lilac breeze
a sparrow alights
on my mailbox

# 25.
little sparrow
absent from my window sill—
I miss her song

# 26.
nest of sparrow—
rose acacia blossoms
are lighting it

# 27.
Dog days—
the sparrow's body protects
its own shadow

# 28.
a caged brown sparrow...
after each Sunday mass
of my youth

# 29.
Siesta interrupted.
Three sparrows compete
for a female

# 30.
one remnant of a soul
the sun and sparrows

# 31.
soaring so free—
his eye is on the sparrow
singing happily

# 32.
bird feeder
a sparrow-shaped vacancy
and feathers

# 33.
trembling sparrow
its head
in a cloud of feather

# 34.
my wife
banding sparrows
a lifetime passion

# 35.
my neighbor
playing the flute
two sparrows’ refrain

# 36.
a slice of bread
and so many sparrows...
spring twilight

# 37.
a stocky sparrow
on the thinnest of twigs...

# 38.
in the bluebird’s nest
brood of sparrows

# 39.
morning dewdrops
a sparrow settles
on the lotus leaf

# 40.
Issa's death poem

# 41.
on the windowsill
competing for their breakfast
regular sparrows

# 42.
Out of character
a sparrow on the window sill
autumn's last breath

# 43.
country road
a sprinkling of sparrows
dust the view

# 44.
spring on the bench
sparrows skipping
through the beggar's dream

# 45.
sharing a perch
sparrow the rhythm section
to blackbirdsong

# 46.
a sparrow
looked me in the eye
through the mirror

# 47.
spring rain—
sparrows on the windowsill
at fingertips

# 48.
again I come back
to grass-seed sparrows
streaming in the sun

# 49.
I’m not crying to you
little fearful sparrow—
this is my mobile

# 50.
the wind
stalling for the sparrow
to share a song

# 51.
broken wing
the other sparrows
dots on the horizon

# 52.
a strong southern wind
the sparrow refuses
to give ground

# 53.
wheat on the window sill
today the sparrow pecks
a the snowflakes

# 54.
the forest road winds
into a chorus of songs
the sparrow too

# 55.
where the sea breeze
eases a bit
song sparrow

# 56.
your tailwind,
sparrow, sculpting

# 57.
crunching a seed
next to a beggar child..
little sparrow

# 58.
spring dawn...
nestling on bare branches
a sparrow's song

# 59.
sparrow builds her nest—
bits and pieces mixed with mud
and song

# 60.
murmuring orchard—
a chick of sparrow
at its first flight

# 61.
At the breakfast,
among some satiated poultry
a hungry sparrow

# 62.
a bunch of sparrows
chirping "come-and-get-me"
on the dog's food pan

# 63.
Late afternoon.
Under each leaf
whispers a sparrow.

# 64.
two sparrows meet
with a morning
under a star

# 65.
thirteen sparrows
sitting on the phone wire—
oh, rocka my soul

# 66.
sparrow footprints
peace signs in late snow—
meter reader

# 67.
a flock of sparrows
on the wires
full notes

# 68.
she counts on them
the old woman a "shut in"
house sparrows

# 69.
first raindrops
strike the puddle
sparrows stop bathing

# 70.
sparrows chirping...
far away a thunder over
blossoming trees

# 71.
sleepily april morning—
a pair of tousled sparrows
through the mist

# 72.
morning dew—
a sparrow lands
on the swing

# 73.
spring fever...
a sparrow
on the sparrow

# 74.
among the
more sparrows

# 75.
two lovers basking
in the summer sunlight...
sparrows singing

# 76.
Crowded shopping mall
a sparrow hops
crumbs for living

# 77.
the lame sparrow
will my pocket crumbs
make him stay?

# 78.
I wonder what
my pure bird language
the sparrow says

# 79.
old scarecrow—
on top of a big hat
heroic sparrow

# 80.
winter blizzard—
where are those sparrows
how hungry...

# 81.
again this morning
sparrows at my window—
the first sign of life

# 82.
in your eyes i see
quiet water

# 83.
we walk the seawall
sparrows stay sheltered
except for their song

# 84.
the dusk silenced the sparrow
under the eaves

# 85.
ball play
in the savannah
hopping sparrow

# 86.
seaside sparrow
the scent of dune roses
in its song

# 87.
dressed as
a sparrow, the marmot . . .
pushing clouds

# 88.
little sparrow
landing on my long

# 89.
opening my window
I catch a song
of a sparrow

# 90.
beating her wings
sparrow bathes in the dust—
sun in a blue sky

# 91.
under the eaves
after so much darkness
two tired sparrow

# 92.
A drop of light...
right on the beak
of a sparrow

# 93.
before dusk
when the peppers are still there
beating the sparrows

# 94.
The rain is over.
Wet sparrows chirp
on the wire.

# 95.
at the murmur of rain
hop a babble
of sparrow

# 96.
among flowers
piled on a fresh grave—
preening sparrows

# 97.
cloud of sparrows
leading the thunder storm

# 98.
winter morning
a sparrow skidded
down the gutter

# 99.
leaden sky
a dead house sparrow
on my back porch

# 100.
early spring
sparrow peck the snowy cap
on the old pumpkin

# 101.
departing sparrows
their shadows linger
in the cool grass

# 102.
winter coats...
a flock of sparrows
splashing in a puddle

# 103.
fallen leaves ...
a sparrow rustles
among them

# 104.
noisily calling
from the neighbor’s roof–
sparrow seeks mate

# 105.
Courting sparrow
drab plumage
takes a shine

# 106.
sparrows in the eaves—
for New Year's Day,
I throw them millet

# 107.
risen sun ...
all eyes are on
the sparrow

# 108.
Out of the storm
a sparrow flies
through the lighted hall

sparrow on a wire
pretending to sing—
the blackbird's song

# 110.
autumn wind ...
a sparrow falls
out of love

# 111.

Noisy neighbours
sparrows take a bath
on next-door’s patio

# 112.
park bench . . .
sparrow after sparrow
the long day passes

# 113.
or breakfast
beggar shares a piece of bread
with the sparrow

# 114.
snowflakes swirl around
the Statue of Liberty—
a sparrow flutters

# 115.
garden gate
childish laughter turns into
sparrows' struggle

# 116.
a lone sparrow
watching old crows

# 117.
traffic light turns green
car engine chirps...
sparrow sits on fence

# 118.
Seeds sown—
Sparrow’s similes split
Songs sprout from valley

# 119.
sparrows peck crumbs
from the gravediggers lunch ...
summer heat

# 120.
sparrows at the foot
of a carriage horse

# 121.
a sparrow landed
into conversation
of two women

# 122.
a gust of wind—
cherry blossom clouds
soar with the sparrows

# 123.
first glimpse
of light...
song sparrow

# 124.
Bathing sparrow
Rain drops ballet
My eyelids clap silently

# 125.
by the gate ...
sparrows in a spray
of willow buds

# 126.
crossing the lawn
flutter by flutter
young sparrow

# 127.
under the tree
a full fed cat dozing
on the sparrow's feathers

# 128.
chestnut smoke—
two sparrows peck
in fallen leaves

# 129.
in dogwood tree...
no red berries

# 130.
Summer’s dawn
Sparrow’s orchestra unveils
Day in tapestry sonata

# 131.
summer rain ...
sparrows pecking crumbs
in the dugout

# 132.
at McDonalds
sparrows in the "o"

# 133.
first dream—
on stranger tides with
jack sparrow

# 134.
dripping leaf
after the rain
the song sparrow

# 135.
first light
the persistent song
of sparrows

# 136.
baby sparrows
reminding this old man
of long ago

# 137.
A stray sparrow
goes in the sitting room—
the child amuses oneself

# 138.
spring evening
from bush to bush sparrows
disturbing the peace

# 139.
songs of sparrows—
raising the dust on
the old statue

# 140.
last sunlight
balancing on a branch tip
the sparrow

# 141.
old folks home
a window opens
to sparrow-song

# 142.
dancing in the grass
—save the last dance for me

# 143.
how many sparrows
and a single tomcat—
spring sunset

# 144.
house sparrows
my son tells me all
about the bullies

# 145.
Harvest Day—
a beggar sharing his bread
with the sparrows

# 146.
urban sparrow...
he plays only
the virtual keyboard

# 147.
sky sparrow
my grandfather lifts
his white cane

# 148.
spring breeze
among the cherry blossoms
chattering sparrows

# 149.
a sparrows’ flock
in the hen’s courtyard—
winter sunrise

spring breeze . . .
the willow catkins a-tremble
with sparrows

# 151.
twitter of sparrows—
a kindergarten flock
invades the park

# 152.
threatening rain . . .
in the pine grove a sudden
fall of sparrows

# 153.
End of Ballot


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